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South African Bridge Federation

2022 | D. Penlington A. Puggia H. Roberts D. Shepard |
2021 | M. Alexander J. Ashberg S. Kaminer P. King |
2020 | P. Balderson J. Foaden J. Gautschi R. Kenny |
2019 | |
2018 | J.Israeli-Zindel P.Inbona S Esmail M.Deen J.Deen |
2017 | J.Dorfan D.Pieters E.Pieters D.Balkin K.Driver |
2016 | G.Burrows J.Bouwer M.Murtch B.Oldacre |
2015 | D.Balkin M.Holrotd P.Balderson J.Gautschi |
2014 | I.Wheeler C.Stott E.Goosen G.Dornon |
2013 | H.Nick J.Ashberg A.Sturrock M.Grotepass |
2012 | A.der Kinderend B.Strydom L.Weers J.Bodin |
2011 | M.Modlin m.Niehaus P.Balderson J.Gautschi |
2010 | J.Israeli-Zindel L.Chemaly D.Pieters E.Pieters |
2009 | W.McLeod J.McLeod S.Botha L.Cunningham |
2008 | N.Hayward P.King L.Walsh J.Ashberg |
2007 | J.Solovei E.Kingsbury E.Mestern S.Nel |
2006 | L.Stabell G.Cameron D.Minwalla N.Minwalla |
2005 | B.Foster M.Bradley K.Cruise A.Modlin |
2004 | S.Buchinsky M.Diamond T.Hendler J.Matatodes |
2003 | M.Grotepass C.Maritz S.Abrahamson H.Nick |
2002 | |
2001 | |
2000 | R.Danilowitz E.Danilowitz K.Bloch R.Solomon |
1999 | A.Samjee T.Naran B.Thomas Y.Hulett V.Stephenson |
1998 | P.Reynolds D.Balkin U.Hammerschlag R.Kaplan |
1997 | H.Kriger A.Dawson A.Berman L.Berman |
1996 | B.Mukkuddem I.Kaprey F.Sabdia I.Ebrahim H.Moca |
1995 | P.Mansell M.Modlin D.Adrain M.Hulett |
1994 | C.Berrisford G.Norton R.Marks C.Whitburne A.Morrison |
1993 | V.Bloom M.Holroyd T.East J.Sissons |
1992 | D.Saloman F.Saloman I.Mallach H.Peires |
1991 | H.Vally H.Sader K.Saloojee S.Rajah A.Lachporia |
1990 | E.Coovadia H.Sader P.Ciszak T.Kaka R.Grabowski |
1989 | P.Mestern E.Mestern S.Glazer J.Paton |
1988 | R.Danilowitz E.Danilowitz J.Michelow J.Roth J.Reznik |
1987 | S.Trocki E.Danilowitz R.Danilowitz V.Bloom L.Vertser D.Balkin |
1986 | J.Paton A.Stocker E.Danilowitz G.Rahr |
1985 | E.Zagnoev B.Zagnoev R.Finkelstein M.Butkow |
1984 | I.Kampel jager P.Kangisser H.Blesovsky |
1983 | A.Stocker B.Wohl J.Matatodes E.Matatodes M.Moss S.Moss |
1982 | P.Chowles C.Parker G.Zetterstrom R.Goldschmidt M.Greenstein T.Truluck |
1981 | L.Levin E.Edelstein C.Swartz R.Kaplan |
1980 | H.Bernstein J.Lazard B.Zagnoev E.Zagnoev |
1979 | G.Potash P.Hale H.Hale I.Woodall I.Allan |
1978 | E.Bernath J.Manne C.Morris A.Sacks P.Sackstein A.Stark |

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