South African Bridge Federation
WBF Leisure Activities Survey
The WBF is conducting a survey exploring what types of leisure activities people do and why.
Please help us by passing it on to as many bridge players as you can so that we get as wide a representative set of view as possible. We need to hear from players at all levels and not just those participating in international events.
The link to the survey is:
There is also an article about it on Bridge Winners:
The survey is aimed primarily at bridge players, and will help us get a better understanding of why different groups of people around the world like and play bridge, and how bridge compares to other activities that bridge players and potential bridge players like to do.
This will help administrators, teachers and promoters design better ways to get people into bridge, and to stay in bridge.
Thank you!
Communiques issued by the World Bridge Federation may be downloaded from the links below:
Special Edition of the WBF Women's Newsletter
WBF Disciplinary Code
Communiques issued by SASCOC may be downloaded from the links below:
COVID-19 SASCOC Media Statement
Regulations in terms of the Disaster Management Act
Communiques issued by the European Bridge League may be downloaded from the links below: